Monday, April 22, 2013

If It's Gonna Happen, It'll Happen To Me

I decided to put gas in my car today, since prices were down a few cents. Why not take advantage? I turned off the engine, and got out my debit card. I don't know how it happened so quickly, but it slipped off my lap and slid down between the two front seats.
I could see it, but couldn't get to it. Went inside the store, explained what had happened and asked the girl there if she had something long that I could squeeze the card out with. It didn't work so I went back to the store and returned this sliver of metal to her.
Okay, let's see if I can get my hand down there and pluck it out. It was a tight squeeze and after three tries I realized my right hand was bloody – I mean blood was oozing all over the place. The cuts weren't deep, but my blood is so thin and, of course, so is my skin. I'll admit I started to panic. You can't buy anything without one of those plastic cards and I only have that one and no cash on hand. I don't like credit cards because sometimes they can get out of hand. If I don't have the money I just stop spending. I took out a paper towel, wrapped it around the cuts which kept oozing blood, so for the third time I headed back inside.
The clerk looked horrified at the bloody towel. I told her not to worry but wondered if there was someone with thicker skin who could get the card out. She was the only one in the store and couldn't leave. Then a young man in a UPS uniform walked in. He looked as horrified as the clerk. Really, it wasn't as bad as it looked. I just needed someone to try and pluck out the card. He was very tall and thin with long slim fingers. Maybe he could get it out?
Well, it took him two seconds to reach the card and hand it to me. Like I said, the cuts weren't deep but my hand is black tonight. No pain, just ugly looking.
There are some nice people in this world and lately I've been running into them.

1 comment:

Lynn and Ed said...

Sorry you had such a hard time! I got nervous when I was away from home this week and lost my wallet. Didn't know what to do at the gas station without credit cards or cash. Can you pay for gas with a check? Luckily I found the wallet had slipped out of my purse and was stuck beside the passenger seat where I couldn't see it from the drivers position. I was relieved!

Hope your hand is better now.